Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Real *Canadian* Road trip Part 1

Finally got a 4 day holiday which I really needed (as my lack of blogging probably indicates)

Jason Cook, a friend of mine from Toronto, came out to visit, and we went on a road trip down the coast to Santa Monica / Los Angles. It was a fantastic opportunity to try my new camera, the Canon T1i.

When Jason and I travel (as we did to Europe a few years back) we don't just sit back and smell the roses, no, we go hard seeing everything we possibly can in the little time we have. It's the same mentality we both share in our work and elsewhere in life. It's probably why we get along so well.

The first night after thoughtfully avoiding the long line at the airport arrivals ( by instead going to the departures ) We first went over to Mike Jutan's to hang out and grab some grub at Mel's Diner. It's a frequent destination of mine when showing people from out of town a little bit of San Francisco.

Here I am smiling for the camera as Jason tries to choose what to eat.

Jason's enjoying his shake, while Mike can't contain his excitement for his sundae.

Hanging out at Mike's place.

It would have been an average night, but that's not the way Jason or I do things. We decided to leave as early as possible in the morning to start on our way.
To be continued!

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